We are a team of operators in every aspect in which we advise and invest.

We are physicians and scientists, business and commercial leaders, experts in strategy from having done it all ourselves.

10Edison Capital

Building Leading Diagnostic Companies

Investment Strategy

We lead Seed and Series A investments in diagnostic companies embarking on evidence generation and commercial development for solutions to areas of high unmet need AND significant healthcare spend.


Our data insights engine informed by our extensive payor and physician networks guides our process – we understand the problems that need solutions, and who will pay for them.

  • Government
  • Commercial insurance
  • Self-insured employers
  • Brokers
  • Underserved communities


Economic Utility: Who cares about this problem, and what will they pay to fix it?

Clinical Utility: Do physicians agree with this solution, and will they use it?

Evidence Generation: How much and what type of evidence is required for payment?

Technology: What is the right technology to address the problem? Does this work for the patient? physician? payer?


Assemble team with experience and knowledge (Seed); Organize team for efficient execution of pre-commercial goals (Series A).

Capitalize company: $2-5M Seed, Up to $10M Series A.

Operator experience benefits our companies through board service.


What We Do

10Edison Capital invests in companies solving clinical and economic problems in healthcare.

  • Understanding how clinical and economic problems in healthcare are interrelated
  • Identifying to what the solution needs to look like- for the patient, physician, and payer
  • Aligning stakeholders around value, payment, and evidence
  • Defining the capital requirements to efficiently commercialize the solution

Our Approach

Investment in diagnostics historically has focused on technical rigor ahead of market fit, leading to the development of technologies that did not solve a problem that any clinical customer wanted to pay for. We focus on understanding the problem to be solved, and then looking for diagnostic tools that can address the unmet need. This requires:

  • Data analytics to identify areas of opportunity
  • Our proprietary Insights Engine to determine clinical and economic utility
  • Clinical partnerships to generate data and understand physician workflow and patient experience
  • Payor partnerships to confirm economic market viability

10Edison uses a proprietary data engine and leverages our unique background across multiple industries.

  • Right clinical utility
  • Right-sized market
  • Right economic arguments
  • Right evidence generation plan
  • Right contractual terms
  • Right reimbursement levels

Diagnostic Market Access Ecosystem


We focus on Seed and Series A investments diagnostic companies embarking on evidence generation and commercial development for solutions to areas of high unmet need or significant cost. 

We are physicians, scientists, and commercial leaders
who have financed and delivered diagnostic technologies to the market

Our Team

Our >50 years of collective experience inspires our unique investment philosophy to create valuable diagnostics companies in a capital efficient manner.


Vance, CPA, CFA


J. Blake
Long, MD, MBA

Fried, MBA, MHI

AlHegelan, MD, MBA

A Full Value Proposition

Diagnostic industry experience, expertise and leadership

Market Need Assessment First
Strategic Partnerships/Ecosystem
Clinical & Economic Evidence with Payer Alignment
Path to Payment
Commercial Plan
Successful Exits

“Egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices. Amet nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna.”

We’re investing in solutions to clinical problems that the market wants to pay for.

“We develop diagnostics that solve clinical problems, instead of trying to fit technology into the market”

“We focus on early-stage diagnostic companies with emerging technologies “